Lobium (Latin for 'lobby') provides tournaments across competitive games while improving tournament organization technologies. It provides a set of tools for communication, tournament components generation, broadcasting, data collection, and aiding tools for organizers and/or users. These sets of tools will determine a standard for a better user experience to get rid of inconveniences caused by inefficient and unpleasant end-user technologies.
Organizers are able to put the components they want to their own website which increases the customizability and branding value. The tools made for communication allow efficient and effective communication between the tournament organizers and competitors by presenting technologies that manage communication platforms that utilize protocols such as instant messaging and VoIP. This way communication is instant and the competition experience is enhanced. Lobium also provides a virtual remote production studio that will reduce the entry-level and the costs of broadcasting.
React, Redux Toolkit, Material-UI, Reacti18next, Express.js, mongoDB, mongoose, Discord.js,, Electron, Mocha...
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